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Euromarches Workshop at the ENA

Title of the workshop in three parts, August 11 and 12:

Unemployment, poverty and exclusion in Europe


Organized by:

European marches against unemployment, precarity and exclusion


Thursday morning, 09:30 – 12:00, Room 3101:

  • Poverty and unemployment in Europe. The Agenda 2020 and the impact of the financial crisis
    1st part: state of affairs : Poverty and unemployment in Europe since the Lisbon Process (here a balance will be drawn of the Lisbon Process, an image of the current situation in the countries of the EU and a conception of Agenda 2020)
    – with Erika Biehn (VAMV), Sian Jones (EAPN) and Evelyne Perrin (Stop-Précarité)

Thursday afternoon, 16:45 – 18:30, Room 3101:

  • Forms of enforced labour – contract work, citizen work, work without rights
    2nd part: Forms of compulsory labour in the EU
    – with Giesela Brandes-Steggewentz (Ver.di Osnabrück), Manfred Müller (Linke Erwerbslosenorganisation, Köln) and Piet van der Lende (Bjistandsbond, Amsterdam)

Friday morning, 09:30 – 12:00, Room 3101:

  • Roads towards an European minimum income/wage.
    3rd Part: Minimum income and minimum wage – an indissoluble connection ; in all three parts people from various countries will speak ; in Part 3 we will seek the cooperation of Ver.di Baden-Württemburg; in the 1st part the cooperation of a representative of the EAPN. We intend to make the ENA the occasion to discuss the EAPN initiative, which aims to enact an EU directive to minimum income that is not lower than the EU official poverty level.
    – Discussion with Sian Jones (EAPN), Alain Marcu (AC!) and others.