Minutes of proceedings of our meeting in Brussels November
The European Marches have become known by their actions througout the
European continent. The activities have been organized with other
networks and were centred on the summits of the EU dealing with
questions such as employment, unemployment, precarious work and
exclusion. Past actions are linked to the names of the cities of
Amsterdam, Luxembourg, Cardiff, Vienna and Cologne. In the course of
these activities the European Marches could go beyond the limits of
national borders developing a European platform for debates and exchange
of ideas and advance in the definition of common demands: In Brussels,
at the summer university in Greece and in Cologne hundreds of people
have met to prepare actions, to exchange experiences and to discuss
political contents. In our third year of common action and debate,
organisations, fighting unemployment and precarity, trade-unionists and
as well as political forces have come together to fight on a European
level against long term mass unemployment.
The 1999 Coordination of the European Secretariates had therefore a
particular relevance. We had to evaluate the situation in Europe, but
also our capacity to further carry out an efficient action: European
governments now are pretending to have succeeded in bringing down
unemployment, but it is quite clear that unemployment is still at a very
high level (10% of the active population) and that the fast increase of
the number of precarious jobs does not answer the demands of employed
and unemployed people. The European Marches' Network also had to see its
functioning and the mobilisations for the european Days of Action of
10th and 11th December 1999 (EU-summit in Helsinki). Finally we had to
define our mobilisation lines for 2000, as well for the »social summit
« of Lisbon (March 2000), then for the French summit, (December 2000)
intending to close down the IGC. (The IGC is the EU's instrument to
change its fundamental texts.) These were all topics of our meeting in
Brussels. |
European Marches
Institutional Meetings
Report of the Coordination
Saturday the 13th
Sunday the 14th
November 11th, 1999: »INSTITUTIONAL« MEETINGS!
We know that the European Parliament has limited powers and the European
Marches' Network puts emphasis on its independence towards political
parties, Nevertheless, we are absolutely astonished to see how easily
the texts of the EU-Commission usually pass through the European
Parliament. After our meeting in Cologne and the European elections we
have asked the different left groups in the European Parliament to meet
us and explain their standpoints concerning the recommendations and
directives of the Commission. We met in September 99 representatives of
the Greens and in November 11th we have been received by the
parliamentary group United Left European/Nordic Green Left. We also had
contacts with socialists parliamentarians. These meetings have allowed
us to have deep exchanges on the texts, and also shown the necessity of
an increased control on what is produced by the Commission in the
direction of the gouverments. The parliamentarians and us have agreed to
keep each other regularly informed; the parliamentarians will support
forthcoming initiatives of the unemployed people movements at European
The same day there was a meeting of the european ministers of Employment
and Labour. As we had done before, on May 25th, 1999, when we had asked
to meet the German Minister of Employment, Walter Riester, we now?
talked with the Finnish Minister of Employment, Mrs. Mönkäre. We have
expressed to Mrs. Mönkäre our total refused of the Commission´s
recommendations, especially those having just recently dealt with the
tax and indemnisation system of unemployed women and senior workers
(50-64) We have denounced the argument directed against these two groups
of unemployed people that this benefit system diminished their will to
REPORT of the Coordination, November 13th/14th, 1999
60 delegates were present, representing 11 countries:, Austria, Belgium,
Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, , Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands,
Sweden.and U.K. Problems of air traffic (bad weather )and organisational
problems (change of meeting place on Sunday) caused the absence of our
Irish friends (INOU). Our Spanish friends had also to be excused.
SATURDAY, November 13th, 1999
The first half of the afternoon meeting was chaired by Michel Rousseau
(France) and started with the presentation of the delegates representing
groups of unemployed people and trade-unionists. After the presentation
the delegates reported on the development of the movement in their
countries after Cologne. Another subject was the development of the
European Marches' Network in each country. (The Austrian representative
also reported on the demonstration which had taken place in Vienna the
day before and which was directed against Jörg Haider, the leader of the
extreme right-wing FPÖ party. which had gained the second position in
the general elections and wants to get to power.) The reports have shown
that both the European Marches' Network and the movement of the
unemployed people had strengthened their position in Europe.
Followed the report of Angela Klein (Germany) on the Cologne 99
campaign. The demonstration of May 29th was succesful because it had
been joined by many forces beyond the European Marches' Network. The
results of foregoing marches were more mitigated and bring again to the
forpoint the question of well adapted type of actions There was a
comparatively low participation of trade-unionists, although the call
for Cologne which was directed to the unions had been signed by around
1000 trade-unionist leaders, in particular in Germany.Finallly the staff
who had organized and directed the demonstration was too small to face
all the problems which occured and the situation created by an
overblown and agressive police force: the police was able to split the
demonstration in two, blocking the second part, for more than an hour.
The Parliament of the unemployed which took place the week after was a
good idea and was well covered by the media. In spite of that we have to
see the limits of the preparation and of the organisation of the
initiative. Further debates will follow.
After the pause Jack Houssa (Belgium) chaired the meeting. Christophe
Aguiton (France) made an introductory report on the social situation in
Europe, our relationship to the unions, the institutions, the EU's
extension to the East of Europe, the world context, our
campaigns,etc.... The broad exchange of views which followed shew the
necessity of considering the problems on a European level and of
organizing us, to take into consideration the numerous due-dates of
2000. The debate shall be deepened and extended notably by texts.
In the evening three commissions prepared the following subjects:
- Social Minima and rights, coordinated by Marie Paule Connan (Belgium)
and David Antona, (France).
- Actions and the Parliament of the Unemployed, coordinated by Ingrid
Schindler (Germany), and Patrice Spadoni (France).
- A smaller group worked on the problems of functioning of the network.
SUNDAY, November 14th, 1999
The plenary assembly, chaired by Leo Gabriel, Austria, started with the
reports of the commissions.
Followed a discussion on the decision which could be taken by the
Coordination and the set-up of specific work groups. Important decisions
are indeed taken by the Coordination for the whole network. Only the
decisions taken by consensus of the delegations and checked by an
indicative vote of present people are valid.
1. General functioning of the European Marches' Network
(Report Michel Rousseau)
Until now the prevailing situation was that the French secretariate took
charge the tasks of the European coordination: This situation has been
overwhelmed by the development of the European Marches' Network in other
countries. Already in the course of the preparation of the campaign for
Cologne 99 the Secretariates of France, Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg
have been constantly cooperating and working together.
The Coordination of the European Marches' Network has now asked the
French Secretariate to create an »European Coordination Bureau« in
2000. The timetable for the first meeting of would be after the
decisions of the national secretariats for naming their delegates but
before the EU-summit in Lisbon, something around the beginning of
February. It was also wished that the European Coordination would meet
twice a year, if sufficient financial means are available. (Broad
support of the delegates.)
Demands for financing have been introduced at national and european
levels. If these subsidies can be obtained, they would pay travellings
and overnight stays (which until now are a heavy burden more often for
the delegates from Southern Europe), they would pay the costs for an
internet homepage, a more regular multilingual bulletin would be printed
and the translation (one of our great weaknesse) at all our activities
would be ensured. In no case may our activities and initiatives depend
on these subsidies!
Institutional Meetings
Report of the Coordination
Saturday the 13th
Sunday the 14th
2. Social Minima and rights(Report Marie Paule Connan)
The commission has worked to define a common European demandof a level
of social minima under which it cannot be asked to a citizen or an
inhabitant of Europe to live »decently«. The debate was based on data
which some activists had collected, prepared in advance and put into a
The commission then named the points (a-d), which will commit us to
vigilance and resistance:
- the EU acknowledges that a »guarantee of a standard of living
corresponding to human dignity is necessary, BUT: the principles and
modalities of implementation of an appropriate standard of living are
very different in the countries of the EU:
- the definition and figuring of the standard of living creating massive
inequities between the European unemployed!)
- the minimum age which allows to demand for benefits (In several
European countries young adults are excluded!)
- Dependance on the family situation (If the benefits are not granted
individually, but depend on the position of each individual in a certain
household, then this will necessarily be followed by control of private
- The states and have introduced additional benefits, help in nature or
services, given in a framework of social control implying a permanent
justification of needs (medical services, housing, education, formation,
transportation, heating, household equipments, clothing, food, ....)
- The states which are granting the highest benefits are the target of
the recommendations of the broad guidelines of Economic Policies which
as the the Guidelines for Employment, are the results of the Pact of
stability and growth. These recommendations are demanding savings on
these »too generously granted benefits by means of controls and social
pressure«. In particular readiness for jobs has to be proven. This is
tested by the means of »activation to work« which implies accepting
any work and any integration contract offered by the unemployment
offices. The American practice of »workfare« is thus introduced
in the European social model.
- To push through the reduction of benefits the EU holds a club in each
hand. With one of these the EU puts the blame on the unemployed and the
precarious workers with words like unemployabilitiy, unadapted or lack
of spirit of enterprise. The second club is »competitivity« between
unemployed and workers of different countries. As the states cannot
speculate any more on the exchange rates, the states are competing for
the lowest work costs. Too generously granted benefits would have
increased laziness and therefore the number of unemploymed. One adds to
that the knowledgable word of »poverty trap«. This is also a US
import, providing the legitimation for workfare. This cynical policy is
reinforced by subvention for low wage, jobs aiming to get to work, the
people whom righteously thinking persons name as »beneficiaires of
social aid«.
The task group has reiterated its will to put an end to this
competitionbetween unemployed and workers of the EU and to demand a
upwards homogenization of all elements linked to employment, social aid
benefits and distribution of wealth. The unemployed and the
precarious workers refuse the status of a semi- citizenship. We are a
potential of creativity which has to be recognised as such. Putting the
blame on us will make things worse. Anger is only the logical reaction
for all those who are suffering of misery and refuse inequalities.
A common European framework of revendication has been discussed and
proposed: For a majority of the participants this common framework
demand could be based on an the reference used by the EU: The BIP per
head. A certain percentage of the BIP would be defined as the minimum
short of which a suitable standard of living isn't possible. Others
would prefer to use other criteria like the amount necessary to satisfy
human needs (as is done in France to figure out the statutory minimum
wage called SMIC).
Decision (unanimous):
to form a permanent task group which is open to all and which is aiming
- collecting and exchanging all data usefull to the definition of this
percentage or amount.
- meetings with the responsables of Networks are already working on this
to confront, enrich and push to a upwards convergence the various
positions (European Federation of Pensionists and Senior People,
European Anti Poverty Network, BAGSHI, Commission Income of AC! etc.)
- to establish a european demand which is to be sent to the European
governments and to institutions for March 2000.
Finally a majority has decided the principle of a immediate and
meaningful increase of the social minima in each european country
(e.g. 1500 FF - 230 Euros in France).
3) Actions (Report Ingrid Schindler)
The following EU dates are already known:
- January-June 2000: Presidency of Portugal; »Social Summit« in March
- July-December 2000: Presidency of France; conclusion of IGC
- January-June 2001: Presidency of Sweden (Summit in Göteborg)
- July-December 2001: Presidency of Belgium
The representants from Sweden will inform us on the details for the
Göteborg summit. A task group has been created to examine the EU
enlargement and our relations with the countries in the East and in the
South (Voted with a broad majority of the delegates).
10/11 December EUROPEAN DAYS OF ACTION against unemployment and
precarious work:
Two days of »action against unemployment, workfare and for a decent
National demonstrations will take place in several countries, such as
the Netherlands, Finland, Italy, France,....
The european governments are planning to adopt a »Social Charter«. The
European Marches' Network will
- present its own platform on the basis of our texts to participate in
the public debate
- contact trade-unionist and social forces in Portugal to consider the
organization of a counter-summit
- prepare another European Day of Action in March 2000 » For an
income, against precarious work!«
The Coordination of the European Marches' Network proposes:
- a large European meeting of the fighting unemployed, precarious and
excluded at the end of October 2000 in Paris
- a great European demonstration in France in December 2000 (similar to
those of Amsterdam and Cologne).
(Thanks: We heartily thank our Belgian friends who have invited us and
all voluntary translators.)
Institutional Meetings
Report of the Coordination
Saturday the 13th
Sunday the 14th
French Original 
European Marches